Thursday, February 10, 2011

History ©

C850 : First known discovery of coffee berries
1600 : Coffee enters to Europe through the port of Venice
1654 : The first coffee house opens in Italy
1750 : One of Europe’s first Coffee house
1822 : Prototype of 1st espresso machine is created in France
1908 : Invention of the world’s 1st drip coffee maker

Coffee Tastes The Best At Nes X's!

At Nes x, our aim is to provide a cozy and comfortable place for fast-paced city dwellers to take a break out of suffocating work and studies. As down-to-earth as it is organized, we have the best coffee in town with the most reasonable prices,besides providing place to read! 

We began operations in 1Jan 2009 and we felt the time was right to give our customers a warm ,friendly and no pressure environment to take time and relax.Together, we are a group of sincere people to give a third place of unwinding instead of work and home, hence at Nes x Library Café, we combined the idea of mini library and a coffee shop so that our customers can enjoy themselves at the same time and place.

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